Family Medicine (GP)

Family Medicine (GP)
The Family Medicine is provided and directed by the Medical Director of the center, Dr. Julio Monje, synonymous with years of outpatient and hospital clinical experience, appreciated for its patient care and high medical-scientific reliability with a friendly and close treatment.
Dr. Julio Monje:
He passes consultation in the mornings both face to face and by telemedicine. (check schedules)
Types of consultations with Family Medicine (General) are:
Monday to Friday from 10 am to 2 pm for phone appointments (966 29 05 07) or at the CCT reception (Ramón Gallud,131 Bajo)
Online appointments:
They can be face to face (in Ramón Gallud,131 Bajo) or by Telemedicine.
Teleconsultation Options: Video-consultation / Chat-consultation / Phone Consultation / Only electronic prescription extension without consultation
May be private or by medical insurance companies (most)
Family Medicine Consultation Times (General) (GP consultation hours):
a) Consultation through telemedicine
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 12:00 p.m..
b) Face-to-face consultations in Centro Clínico SMART SALUD Torrevieja in Ramón Gallud,131 Bajo.
- Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 14:30 p.m.
Any necessary evidence is requested and cited at the same time as the consultation, either to be performed in the clinic or in collaborating hospitals.