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More than 30 years of up-to-date medical experience at your disposal…
Appointment options for PRESENTIAL CONSULTATION
Select a service and make an appointment ONLINE or PRESENTIAL
You can book an appointment by filling out and sending the this form You can book an appointment by filling out and submitting the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible, usually within 24 (*Remember that you can also book your appointment by phone, we will be we will be happy to assist you).
Appointment options for ONLINE CONSULTATION
(Video consultation, Consultation-Chat, Consultation-Call)
Includes appointments for Online consultations of General, Internal and Expert Medicine

Pedir cita mediante DOCTORALIA
- Valid prescriptions in pharmacy
- Analytics request
- Any test request
- Exchange of reports by email
Las videoconsultas son consultas detalladas igual que una consulta presencial habitual con todas sus posibilidades como petición de analítica, pruebas de imagen (Rayos X, TACs, Resonancias, Ecografías) y cualquier otro tipo de prueba diagnóstica, así como recetas electrónicas para llevar o enviarse a la farmacia (según prefiera el paciente). El paciente puede recibir y entregar al médico todo tipo de informes o imágenes (fotos y vídeos) antes, durante o después de la consulta.
LEAVE US FOR FREE your medical consultation or your questions, Doubts and Curiosities about your health and yours on
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Whatsapp administrativo y citas
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in our inminent Youtube Channel ' / Your online GP' now under construction and about to release.
You can visit us: From 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday. In the afternoons we are open only for specialists consultations by appointment
+34 96 629 05 07
For appointments